Setting Modesty Standards

For Yourself

by, Adrienne Jason

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with  broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works." - 1 Tim 2:9-10

Do you have any modesty standards for yourself? If not, why not spend a little time thinking it over. It isn't legalistic to set your own personal standards for modesty. In fact, it can help reduce any stress related to shopping and getting dressed each day knowing that you have a wardrobe and preferences that you are more comfortable with. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What standards do I have for shirts and tops? For example, what length should my sleeves be on my shirts? If I do wear a sleeveless shirt or dress, is there something I could wear underneath like a layering shirt? What style of shirts or cuts do I prefer? Crewneck, boat neck, etc? What fabrics and colors do I prefer? Do I prefer to also sometimes wear sweaters, cardigans, vests, shrugs etc?

  • What are your standards for skirts and dresses if you wear them? What length, style, fabric, etc? Do you wear pants? If so, what styles, fabrics or colors do you find to be modest? Do you wear shorts? what length is the most modest for you?

  • What about quality and pricing? What brands do you prefer? How much are you willing to pay for a clothing item or for your whole wardrobe? How often do you shop for clothes?

  • What about Sleepwear? Are you comfortable with gowns, long sleep shirts, a robe or pajama sets?

  • What about jewelry? Are you okay with a little jewelry, a lot of jewelry or no jewelry.

  • Makeup - are you OK with a little makeup, a lot of makeup or no makeup at all?

  • What about perfume and other body and beauty products? Will you wear perfume or body spray or essential oils or just use scented or scent free soaps?

  • Hair - what are your modesty standards for your hair? Do you prefer long, medium or short hairstyles? What about hair colors? Do you prefer natural and no dyes, or do you dye your hair a natural color? What do you think is most modest? What does the Apostle Paul say about women's hair in scripture?

  • Head-coverings - do you think women should wear a head-covering? What are your reasons for or against it? What scriptures support it for us in the dispensation of grace? What scriptures say we should not wear them or don't have to wear one today in our dispensation? Don't just believe whatever your denomination or preacher says, study it out for yourself. If you do wear one, what styles do you prefer. Will you cover all of your hair or some of it? Will you cover full time or only at church or when praying, teaching and studying the Bible?

  • Other - what abou tattoos and peircings? will you get them or do you believe Christians shouldn't have them? If you already have them, do you feel you need to cover them up or are you okay with showing them? 

  • How about shoes? What do you think is modest for you to wear? Do you prefer sneakers, flats, high heels, boots, sandals etc? What about the colors and fabrics? How much are you willing to spend on shoes and how many pairs are you willing to have?

  • What about purses, bags, handbags, clutches etc? What styles do you prefer for modesty? How much are you willing to spend? Do you just need something functional? Do you want it to also be pretty or does it not really matter to you?

  • Christian symbols - do you choose to wear a cross or no jewelry at all? Are you okay with wearing crystal jewelry? What do you prefer and feel is most modest for you? do you wear any clothes or jewelry with crosses, scripture verses etc on them? 

  • How about undergarments? Do you prefer more modest style undergarments or do you prefer things that are more pretty?  What about the comfort? Do you prefer undergarments that are more comfortable to wear throughout the day? 

Once you have created some modesty standards for yourself, write it out in a journal or print them out and put into a binder. Look over it occasionally to make sure you are keeping with your standards or to adjust things if you need to. Consider it to be a journey. You don't have to get legalistic about it, but setting some standsards for yourself can actually help you when it comes to getting dressed each day and for when you go out shopping. You can still adjust things as you feel the need to do so. You won't ever lose your salvation or your spiritual blessings in Christ if you are not modest, but modesty is about having less attention on yourself and more attention on the gospel of the grace of God. It's about focusing more on allowing Christ to live in and through you. See my other modesty articles and video's by CLICK HERE.